This was not thought out well. Not only does it save over the existing picture, the automated corrections never fail to make the image so much worse. Saturation goes crazy and the image is blurred. If you want to use each feature to adjust the image yourself, you cannot do it from the original image. The corrections and features are grayed out and unadjustable. Adjustments can only be made from the crappy auto-adjusted image that is produced. There is no way to undo a change made or go back to the original image to start again. And every now and then, an adjustment made will reapply random color or saturation changes youve chosen and painfully managed to make go away. The range of options that could be used to adjust images make this a promising app, but unfortunately it is not designed to actually utilize those options. Disappointing. And deleted.
Gffigcdeyjcccd3334 about OrasisHD